By Karen Adamedes

Who's on your career team?

Who’s on your career team?

Nobody stands up at the Oscars, the Golden Globes or any other event where individuals are recognized and says in their acceptance speech, “Thanks, I did this all myself!”.

Not only would this be seen as arrogant (to say the least) but the reality is, it’s not true or even possible. No one can really ‘shine’ without the expertise, coaching, knowledge, support or help of other people.

When Morgan Freeman won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for Million Dollar Baby in 2009 he said, I want to thank everybody and anybody who ever had anything at all to do with the making of this picture.” He credited everybody who was involved for his success.

At the 76th Academy Awards where “Lord of the Rings: Return of the King” won all 11 categories it had been nominated for, host Billy Chrystal quipped “It’s now official. There is no one left to thank in New Zealand.” (which was where the movie had been made). Everyone thanked everyone because those that were acknowledged knew they had not done it on their own.

Politicians who get elected (or not) thank the teams behind them, winning sports competitors, recipients of academic awards and Nobel prizes, top business people, in fact, any individual who achieves success, knows that they needed the support of others to achieve their individual accomplishments. It makes sense that this theory applies to us mere mortals and the achievement of our goals….because they are just as important to us as internationally recognized accolades are to actors in Hollywood or players in Grand Slam tournaments.
If you play a sport, you may have a coach or a personal trainer if you work out as an individual. The physio you go to if you injure yourself. And perhaps a sports masseuse if you treat yourself to a post game/workout massage. A family member who supports you in your nutritional choices, your friends who are interested in how you are playing/progressing and even the team at the sports nutrition shop that are providing your vitamins. No matter what you are trying to achieve, whether as part of a team or as an individual, there’s a lot of people needed behind the scenes that contribute to you achieving a goal.

What about your career development?

Do you have a team behind you?

I don’t mean the actual group of people you work with…but a team you have assembled, behind the scenes, to help you achieve your potential?

“career team” may never know they are part of your personally appointed entourage, hold a meeting or even know about each other – but they all can play a vitally important role to make sure that you can be your best. From my experience there are 5 people who are vital to have on your career team:

1. The Manager

Sometimes in organizations you get the experience of working with an amazing manager who provides you with knowledge, develops your skills and supplies valuable insights. Other times, you get a shocker (I’m guessing no further explanation is needed?). 

Regardless, there is always something you can learn from a manager.
In the case of a “bad” one you might learn what not to do. There is no gain in having a painful relationship with them and being adversarial…it will only make your life miserable. Even worse this person has a degree of organizational positioning over you and could block your development or opportunities in other ways. At the very least, you want a relationship where they are not going to stand in your way. You need them on your side. On your team, however they can contribute.
But when you get a good manager – one who you can learn from and is genuinely interested in your development – this is gold!
Take full advantage and learn everything you can and develop a relationship where they can become a mentor, sponsor or trusted adviser.
Sometimes organizational restructures happen or people move roles and you don’t get the chance to work with a manager as long as you would like or for as long as you need to learn from them. If they (or you) are moving on ask if you can still stay in contact. Be direct and let them know why. It might be because you really like their thinking, they have a certain skill you are learning or they challenge you in some way. Whatever it is that makes you want to continue to work with them in some way.
Tell them and ask if they would could continue to work with you as a mentor. Or if that seems too much to ask – at least confirm whether it would be okay to stay in touch to discuss <whatever it is> in their new role. Most people are a) flattered and b) interested in spending time with people who want to learn. It’s pretty rare that you get a no. What have you got to lose by asking?

2. The Mentor

Your manager may fulfill the criteria of a mentor providing you with coaching, expertise and guidance…but you get them for free with your job.

The opportunity is to broaden your team and add one or more people who can help you with the specific skills, experience or knowledge that you have identified you need or want to develop.

You may have one or several…it all depends on what you have worked out that you need to learn.

3. The Trusted Adviser

This is the person that you trust absolutely, knows you well and that you respect.

Where a mentor might gently guide you – this is the person you can go to when things go wrong or you don’t know where to turn. The person who will tell you like it is.

Often these relationships are built on mutual trust and respect so you might also play the same role for them.
Your trusted adviser may be someone you have worked with in the past, a previous manager, a colleague or a friend from another company.
They are the person that when things go wrong or you’re really not sure what to do you can ring, text or somehow send an SOS to ask for advice or just bounce around ideas.
They will be empathetic and “on your side” – which some days you just need!
They can give you “fresh eyes” on a situation and provide you with a different viewpoint or perspective and some really practical advice to get you back on track.
They are your secret weapon when you need them.

4. The Sponsor

This person might not seem to be playing an active role in of your team.
They may not be in your immediate sphere and in fact, you might not even know them that well.
There’s a good chance that they don’t even tell you that they are recommending or speaking well of you.
But they’re there, in the background…talking you up, recommending you for projects, roles or promotions. If your career antenna is working – you’ll get to hear who they are. Even if you never know – they can make a tremendous contribution.
People ask other people for recommendations of good people.
The best way to develop sponsors and to be the person that is recommended is to build a positive professional reputation by doing a great job and working in a way that people want you on their team. 
People will recommend people who do a good job, are easy to work with. And the recommendation will reflect well on them for putting you forward.

5. The Fan

This may seem a bit self indulgent but having a fan (or more than one) can be good for your ego.
Developing a career is a bit like a marathon and some stretches are harder than others and it’s just really nice to know that someone thinks you are doing a great job and admires you. 
A fan may be someone that you mentor, or who comes to you for advice or feedback or someone you’ve helped along the way.
A fan can help you ‘lift your game’. When you have someone looking up to you as a role model it can keep you motivated to do your best (or not slack off!)

So what about your career team?

Do you have all these people on your team?

Who’s missing?

Who do you need to add to your team?

And, when are you going to do it?

The Career Tip To Go: Identify who you need and build your career team!


Include Career Tips To Go in your career team…

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1 Comment
  1. Thanks ! great info

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