Prepare before you share your screen

by Karen Adamedes

The ability to share your screen is one of the greatest uses of technology when you are working from home. You can use this feature to make presentations, conduct training, work on a document with other people, or simply share a document or website that you are referring to. If you can see it on your screen, you can share it if you are using a collaboration tool.

Over the years I have had a number of calls from staff members confessing that they were online chatting during a video conference and their ‘private’ discussion (usually about someone else on the call) had been seen by everybody. Not cool. This can potentially be upsetting to others. And can cause a very unnecessary dent to the credibility of the people involved. It also wasted a considerable amount of their time when they then had to ring all the people on the call to apologize.

Your screen being shared on a conference call is another way you can inadvertently share information you shouldn’t. You don’t want to upset others, be embarrassed by what others see on your screen, appear unprofessional or accidentally share confidential information.

Here is a short list of suggestions you should consider before you share your screen. If you do decide you need to share mid-call, take a moment and run through this checklist. Even better if you can be prepared beforehand.

Turn off your desktop notifications

Apart from it being completely distracting – there’s a good chance you don’t want everyone on a conference call to see every email that arrives in your inbox while you are sharing your screen. It can be even worse if you have the display settings for your email show the first couple of lines of text. But even the subject of an email could be confidential.

Shut down instant messaging

Regardless of whether it’s a personal app or an internal company messaging service, you don’t want messages appearing while you are sharing your screen. They take up valuable space on your screen, cover the document you are trying to share, and interrupt the flow of the discussion.

I close my instant-messaging apps whenever I am on a conference call or use the Do Not Disturb option; even if I am not planning to share my screen. I just don’t want the distraction of trying to have a conversation or make a presentation while people are sending me messages at the same time. It’s super annoying when you are trying to concentrate and you have messages coming in from every direction.

Close your windows

Apart from closing your actual windows to minimize background noise, here I’m talking about all the windows that are open on your device; Facebook, travel sites, email, presentations, the last thing you were reading, confidential material. All of them. Close them before sharing your screen. (Except what you actually want to share, of course!)

It is too easy to flick between screens and show something you don’t want to share. If they’re not open, it can’t happen. Close them down.

Open the document you want to share

As part of your preparation, open the documents you want to share before the call. If it turns out you need another document while you are on a call – stop sharing your screen during the time you are looking for it. Have a little side chat while you are setting up, rather than let your colleagues or clients see the titles of all your documents and files.

And when you’ve finished your call don’t forget to turn the screen sharing off.

Preparation of all kinds is important for effective calls and contributes to your credibility and is a positive for your reputation.

Preparing to share your screen is one more pixel of the picture (like what I did there 🙂).

Enjoy your day





This tip is based on Tip 55 ‘Prepare to share (your screen)‘ from Professional in Pajamas: 101 Tips for Working from Home.


The most importance sentence in every email you send

Create interest with the first line of your email!

Create interest with the first line of your email!

By Karen Adamedes

The most importance sentence in every email you send, and the one that you should spend the most time on, is…the first one.

It should, as hopefully the first sentence of this blog does :), convey to your reader exactly what your email is about.

It should create interest for your reader. let them know what it is about and make them want to read more.

The challenge is that the people that you are sending important emails to – ones that require actions and answers and approvals  – are likely to be receiving 100 or more emails per day; that are all fighting with yours for attention.

The objective is to break through the distractions of the rest of their emails and focus their attention on what you need. Give them a good reason to want to read the detail below and understand what will be required of them.

An email that starts with an opening sentence “I would like to request approval for ….” is likely to generate interest to understand why you are asking for whatever it is you need. (And the more that you ask for the more interested they will be to understand why!)

Whilst “Please find below details of the customer service complaint from …. that requires your immediate action…” explains exactly what the email is about and that there is a required action.

No ambiguity. No confusion.

[Tweet “Think about the first sentence of your emails as if they’re a tweet. Short, clear and concise.”]

Ask for exactly what you want. Explain what it is about.

And then provide further details.

Career Tip To Go: Explain what your email is about in the first sentence

And, of course, follow on with good quality content…and you’ll be good to go!


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Career Tip To Go: The best words for business writing

use simple business-like words that are easy to understand

Questions or Answers? Which are most important?

Questions and answers in business communications

Is it more important to have the answer? Or the right question?

By Karen Adamedes

It’s wonderful to arrive at answers. From what to have for dinner to the meaning of life (and everything in between) answers provide clarity, certainty and a way forward.

And they help us demonstrate what we know. But often times it’s the question that is asked that helps get not just to an answer, but the best answer.

“What would you like for dinner?” can yield a much different result, with a lot more possibilities, than “Would you like Pizza or Spaghetti?” 

Science and math often have only one correct answer to a problem. A specific problem. But unless you work in these disciplines there are not many problems that need to be solved in a career in business that have only one single, clear, correct answer.

Often a number of alternatives can be right. And it is often the process that gets you to an answer that is important to get you, and the people you work with, to the best outcomes.

And that process – is to ask questions.

Questions can help you:

  • find out what other people think, their preferences and needs
  • uncover issues or concerns that you weren’t aware of
  • learn new information
  • be offered alternatives or ideas that you didn’t think of. Or even know existed.
  • confirm that your own thinking was correct (nice when this happens!)
  • have an interaction with someone that stimulates your own thinking and ideas
  • check your understanding of a situation or what you’ve been told

And countless more benefits!

From my experience there are 3 additional very significant benefits to asking questions that can impact on your effectiveness at work and credibility.

What are they I hear you ask?

1. Relationship building.

Asking questions is a great way to build a relationship with another person. It also applies to building relationships in groups, teams, departments and even across organizations. (They’re all made up of people, right?)

Questions can help you do this by:

  • demonstrating your respect for the other person by seeking their opinion
  • acknowledging their expertise
  • actively encouraging their involvement in an issue through discussion

Questions encourage conversation.

Conversation is communication. Good communication.

And you never know what you will learn…

2. Demonstrate your knowledge.

Asking questions actually provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate what you know, how much you understand about a topic or at the very least, the thought processes you have followed to get to your question.

Others will judge your competence and your credibility by the quality of the questions that you ask.

There are plenty of occasions in business when the questions you ask can be more important than the answers you give.

Take a job interview. I’ve interviews hundreds of people over the years for jobs and promotions. It is often the answer to the casual question at the end of the interview, “Do you have any questions for me about the job/role/company”, that is one of the most important.

Too often the answer is “No, I think I’m right. I know what I need to know for now” Really? How can they possibly know everything they need to know? Aren’t they meant to be assessing whether the role/company/me as manager is right for them? (That’s a big fat fail in my books – just in case you were wondering!)

But ask a quality question that demonstrates good knowledge or demonstrates your thinking …and this can be more insightful for the interviewer than the answers that have been given to technical or procedural questions in the interview.

This is just one example of many work situations where questions are vital!

3. Contribute to discussions.

Have you ever been in a meeting where you are not the main speaker or the subject matter expert?

Have you felt a bit awkward about speaking up?

A question is the answer!

A well thought out question that demonstrates your understanding of the topic, your thought processes or even that you were listening can do a lot for your credibility. And it gives you a chance to contribute.

The Career Tip To Go:

The ability to ask questions is a skill all in itself.

The benefits to your credibility, effectiveness at work and relationships with others make it an area well worth investing some time and effort.

Would you like to learn how to ask more questions? Next time you go to say something, how about thinking how you could reword your thought/comment and ask it as a question?

You never know what you’ll learn. Do you?


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